
  • 1936 — The Spirit of Zen: A Way of Life, Work, and Art in the Far East

  • 1937 — The Legacy of Asia and Western Man: A Study of the Middle Way

  • 1940 — The Meaning of Happiness: The Quest for Freedom of the Spirit in Modern Psychology and the Wisdom of the East

  • 1947 — Behold the Spirit: A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion

  • 1950 — Easter: Its Story and Meaning

  • 1950 — The Supreme Identity: An Essay on Oriental Metaphysic and the Christian Religion

  • 1951 — The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety

  • 1953 — Myth and Ritual in Christianity

  • 1957 — The Way of Zen

  • 1958 — Nature, Man, and Woman

  • 1959 — Beat Zen, Square Zen, and Zen

  • 1960 — This Is It: And Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience

  • 1961 — Psychotherapy East and West

  • 1962 — The Joyous Cosmology: Adventures in the Chemistry of Consciousness

  • 1963 — The Two Hands of God: The Myths of Polarity

  • 1964 — Beyond Theology: The Art of Godmanship

  • 1966 — The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

  • 1967 — Nonsense

  • 1968 — Does it Matter? Essays on Man’s Relation to Materiality

  • 1971 — Erotic Spirituality: The Vision of Konarak

  • 1972 — In My Own Way: An Autobiography, 1915-1965

  • 1972 — The Art of Contemplation: A Facsimile Manuscript with Doodles

  • 1973 — Cloud-Hidden, Whereabouts Unknown: A Mountain Journal

Posthumous Books

  • 1975 — Tao: The Watercourse Way [completed by Al Chung-liang Huang]

  • 1977 — The Essence of Alan Watts [the complete Essence booklet series compiled as one book]

  • 1977 — Three [Three books in one: a) The Way of Zen; b) Nature, Man, and Woman; c) Psychotherapy East and West]

  • 1978 — Uncarved Block, Unbleached Silk: The Mystery of Life

  • 1980 — Om: Creative Meditations

  • 1982 — Play to Live: Selected Seminars

  • 1983 — The Way of Liberation: Essays and Lectures on the Transformation of the Self

  • 1985 — The Essential Alan Watts

  • 1985 — Out of the Trap: Selected Lectures of Alan W. Watts

  • 1987 — Diamond Web: Selected Lectures of Alan W. Watts

  • 1987 — The Early Writings of Alan Watts: The British Years (1931-1938): Writings in Buddhism in England

  • 1990 — The Modern Mystic: A New Collection of Early Writings of Alan Watts

  • 1994 — Talking Zen

  • 1995 — Become What You Are

  • 1995 — Buddhism: The Religion of No-Religion — The Edited Transcripts

  • 1995 — The Philosophies of Asia: The Edited Transcripts

  • 1995 — The Tao of Philosophy: The Edited Transcripts

  • 1996 — Myth and Religion: The Edited Transcripts

  • 1997 — Seeds of Genius: The Early Writings of Alan Watts [U.S. version of The Modern Mystic]

  • 1997 — Taoism: Way Beyond Seeking — The Edited Transcripts

  • 1997 — Zen and the Beat Way

  • 1998 — The Culture of Counter-Culture: The Edited Transcripts

  • 2000 — Eastern Wisdom: Three Classics in One Volume — What is Zen? • What is Tao? • An Introduction to Meditation

  • 2000 — Still the Mind: An Introduction to Meditation

  • 2000 — What is Tao?

  • 2000 — What is Zen?

  • 2002 — Zen, The Supreme Experience: The Newly Discovered Scripts

  • 2006 — Eastern Wisdom, Modern Life: Collected Talks, 1960-1969

  • 2006 — The Essential Alan Watts: Seven Things We Thought We Knew About God and the Cosmos (But Didn’t)

  • 2017 — Out of Your Mind: Tricksters, Interdependence, and the Cosmic Game of Hide-and-Seek

  • 2017 — Alan Watts—In the Academy: Essays and Lectures, edited by Peter J. Columbus and Donadrian L. Rice

  • 2017 — The Collected Letters of Alan Watts

  • 2020 — Just So: Money, Materialism, and the Ineffable, Intelligent Universe

  • 2020 — The Fish Who Found the Sea

  • 2021 — There Is Never Anything But the Present: and Other Inspiring Words of Wisdom

  • 2023 — Tao for Now: Wisdom of the Watercourse

Book Contributions (Chapters written by Watts)

  • 1951 — “Introduction” in Spiritual Practices of India, by Frederic Spiegelberg

  • 1963 — “Preface” in Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism, by D. T. Suzuki

  • 1967 — “Foreword” in The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects, by A. David-Neel and L. Yongden

  • 1968 — “Foreword” in The Ecstatic Adventure, edited by Ralph Metzner

  • 1968 — “The Point is that Life is a Gesture” in The Ecstatic Adventure, edited by Ralph Metzner

  • 1968 — “The Spirit of Violence and the Matter of Peace” in Alternatives to Violence: A Stimulus to Dialogue, edited by Larry Ng

  • 1969 — “The Individual as Man/World” in The Subversive Science: Essays Toward an Ecology of Man, edited by P. Shepard and D. McKinley

  • 1970 — “The Future of Religion” in Toward Century 21: Technology, Society and Human Values, edited by C. S. Wallia

  • 1970 — “Western Mythology: Its Dissolution and Transformation” in Myths, Dreams, and Religion, edited by Joseph Campbell

  • 1973 — “Foreword” in Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain: The Essence of T`ai Chi, by Chungliang Al Huang

  • 1973 — “Foreword” in The Religion of Logos and Sophia: From the Writings of Dimitrije Mitrinovic on Christianity, by H. C. Rutherford


  • 1932 — An Outline of Zen Buddhism

  • 1936 — Seven Symbols of Life: Being an Essay on Eternal Verities as Expressed in the Images of the Lotus, of Water, Wind, Fire, Man, Woman, and Child

  • 1939 — The Psychology of Acceptance: The Reconciliation of the Opposites in Eastern Thought and in Analytical Psychology

  • 1944 — Theologia Mystica: Being the Treatise of Saint Dionysius, Pseudo-Areopagite, on Mystical Theology, Together with the First and Fifth Epistles

  • 1946 — The Meaning of Priesthood

  • 1947 — Zen Buddhism: A New Outline and Introduction

  • 1948 — Zen [republication of Zen Buddhism (1947)]

  • 1955 — The Way of Liberation in Zen Buddhism

  • 1965 — The “Deep-in” View: A Conversation with Alan Watts

  • 1971 — The Theologia Mystica of Saint Dionysius

  • 1974 — The Essence of Alan Watts: Vol. 1 — God

  • 1974 — The Essence of Alan Watts: Vol. 2 — Meditation

  • 1974 — The Essence of Alan Watts: Vol. 3 — Nothingness

  • 1975 — The Essence of Alan Watts: Vol. 4 — Death

  • 1975 — The Essence of Alan Watts: Vol. 5 —The Nature of Man

  • 1975 — The Essence of Alan Watts: Vol. 6 — Time

  • 1975 — The Essence of Alan Watts: Vol. 7 — Philosophical Fantasies

  • 1975 — The Essence of Alan Watts: Vol. 8 — Ego

  • 1975 — The Essence of Alan Watts: Vol. 9 — Cosmic Drama

Magazine & Newspaper Articles

  • 1952 — The Aim Is to Know. New York Times, February 3, p. BR3.

  • 1960 — The Ways of the Mind. New York Time, October 16, p. BR35.

  • 1961 — Aftermath: The Decline of the East. Esquire, April, pp. 156-157.

  • 1963 — Man Cannot Live Without Myth. San Francisco Chronicle, December 8, p. 42.

  • 1965 — The Circle of Sex. Playboy, 12(12): pp. 134-135.

  • 1966 — A Redbook Dialogue: Shirley MacLaine and Alan Watts, in Redbook, May: pp. 52-53, 98, 100-103

  • 1967 — The Houseboat Summit [Featuring Timothy Leary, Gary Snyder, Alan Watts, and Allen Ginsberg.] SF Oracle, Vol 1., No 7.

  • 1968 — Manifesto to Cut the Big Hang-Up. East Village Other, January: pp. 1-15.

  • 1968 — On the Tantra. Mademoiselle, July: p. 47, 136.

  • 1968 — Wealth Versus Money. Playboy, 15(12).

  • 1969 — Murder in the Kitchen. Playboy, 16(12).

  • 1970 — Playboy Panel Discussion: The Drug Revolution. Playboy, 17(2).

  • 1971 — The Future of Ecstasy. Playboy, 18(1).

  • 1972 — The Way of Liberation in Zen Buddhism [second edition booklet: Alan Watts Journal]

  • 1972 — The Sound of Rain. Playboy, 19(5).

  • 1972 — At the Interface: Technology and Mysticism [co-authored with Arthur C. Clarke]. Playboy, 20(1).

  • 1973 — The World’s Most Dangerous Book. Playboy, 20(12).

Academic Journal Articles

  • 1939 — How Buddhism Came to Life: The Wide Difference in the Practice of an Ancient Indian Philosophy in China and Japan. Asia, 39(1): 580-585.

  • 1939 — The Rusty Swords of Japan. Asia, May: 291-293.

  • 1941 — The Problem of Faith and Works in Buddhism. Review of Religion, 5(4): 387-402.

  • 1950 — Review of The Tibetan Book of the Dead by W. Y. Evans-Wentz. The Journal of Religion 30(4): 300.

  • 1951 — The Negative Way. Vedanta and the West 14(4): 97-101.

  • 1953 — Asian Psychology and Modern Psychiatry. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis 13: 25-30.

  • 1953 — On Philosophical Synthesis. Philosophy East and West, 3(2): 99-100.

  • 1953 — The Language of Metaphysical Experience: The Sense of Non-Sense. The Journal of Religious Thought, 10(2): 132-143.

  • 1954 — Review of Works of Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki. Philosophy East and West, 4(3): 278-279.

  • 1955 — Oriental ‘Omnipotence.’ Tomorrow 4(1): 31-36.

  • 1956 — Convention, Conflict, and Liberation: Further Observations on Asian Psychology and Modern Psychiatry. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 16: 63-68.

  • 1958 — Beat Zen, Square Zen, and Zen. Chicago Review 12(2): 3-11.

  • 1958 — Zen and the Problem of Control. Contact 1(1).

  • 1959 — Eternity as the Unrepressed Body [A review of Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytic Meaning of History by Norman O. Brown]. Etc: A Review of General Semantics, 16(4): 486-494.

  • 1959 — Review of Psychology and Religion: West and East by Carl G. Jung. Chicago Review 13(1): 84-86.

  • 1961 — Applied Buddhism. Saturday Review, 44: 19.

  • 1962 — The Spoor of Eastern Spirits [A review of The Masks of God, Vol. 2: Oriental Mythology, by Joseph Campbell]. Saturday Review, June 2, 1962: 36-37.

  • 1963 — The Individual as Man/World. Psychedelic Review, 1(1): 55-65.

  • 1964 — Gods Go West [A review of The Masks of Gods, Vol. 3: Occidental Mythology, by Joseph Campbell]. The New Republic, 151: 25-26.

  • 1964 — Who Will Run Your Nervous System? [A review of The Beyond Within: The LSD Story, by Sidney Cohen]. The New Republic, 151(22): 15-16.

  • 1964 — Some Remembrances of Aldous Huxley. The Psychedelic Review, 1(3): 265-267.

  • 1965 — The Mystic More Freudian than Freud [A review of The Wild Analyst: The Life and Work of Georg Groddeck, by Carl M. Grossman and Sylvia Grossman]. The New Republic, 152, May: 22-24.

  • 1967 — The “Mind-less” Scholar. The Eastern Buddhist, 11(1): 124-127.

  • 1968 — Psychedelics and Religious Experience. California Law Review, 56(1): 74-85.

  • 1974 — Psychotherapy and Eastern Religion: Metaphysical Bases of Psychiatry. The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 6(1): 18-31

  • 1974 — Unity in Contemplation. CrossCurrents, 24(2/3): 367-377.

  • 1996 — Beat Zen, Square Zen, and Zen. Chicago Review, 42(3/4): 48-55. Reprint

The Life of Alan Watts